Content Word: sove |
| /so-vey/ |
| Definition: a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended |
| English Synonymn(s): sleep, slumber |
| 1. hans jage pind sove |
| 2. kon jage kon sove |
| 3. naeno mund nishdin sove |
| 4. gurnar ek palak na sove |
| 5. moman hokar nachint sove |
View Ginan Concordance |
Related Ginan(s):
| kesarī siṅh svaroop bhulāyo |
- Alwaez Kamaluddin, Muhammad. (2011). 50 Ginans with English Translation and Glossary - Volume 1(Second edition).
- Alwaez Kamaluddin, Muhammad. (1990). Concordance of the Ginans - Volume 1.
- Shackle, C., & Moir, Z. (2000). Ismaili Hymns from South Asia: An Introduction to the Ginans. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press.
- Princeton University. (2010). About WordNet. WordNet. Princeton University.