Glossary to Concordance Details - By Sample   (Back)

  Concordance Glossary Meaning Reason Code Reason Description            
1 āchār āchār act, way Matched Content word
2 adhābi Discard Non-content word
3 aen aen same; eye Matched Content word
4 agan agan fire Matched Content word
5 āge Discard Non-content word
6 ajā ajā goat Matched Content word
7 ākhar Discard Non-content word
8 ākhe ākhe says, requests Matched Content word
9 albelā albelā beautiful, young Matched Content word
10 alī Discard Non-content word
11 andhār andhār darkness Matched Content word
12 āp Discard Non-content word
13 āp muradā āp murādā follower of one's own desires Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
14 apār apār unlimited Matched Content word
15 āpe Discard Non-content word
16 āpṇo āp Discard Non-content word
17 aqal Discard Non-content word
18 arvāh Discard Non-content word
19 āshaq Discard Non-content word
20 avidhā Discard Non-content word
21 bahen Discard Non-content word
22 bahesht Discard Non-content word
23 bahot Discard Non-content word
24 bānā bānā brother, servant, man Matched Content word
25 bāp Discard Non-content word
26 beḍiyā Discard Non-content word
27 beṭh rahiyā Discard Non-content word
28 beṭhā Discard Non-content word
29 bhāi Discard Non-content word
30 bhali bhalī good, best Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
31 bhamarḍo bhamarḍo bumblebee Matched Content word
32 bhār Discard Non-content word
33 bharam bharam illusion, suspicion, delusion Matched Content word
34 bhardhe Discard Non-content word
35 bhav bhāv thought, feeling, love, fondness Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
36 bhav bhav life, ocean of life Matched Content word
37 bhirāveṅ Discard Non-content word
38 bhulāyo Discard Non-content word
39 bhule Discard Non-content word
40 bhulo Discard Non-content word
41 bhut bhut statue, body Matched Content word
42 bina Discard Non-content word
43 bolī Discard Non-content word
44 buḍe Discard Non-content word
45 chade Discard Non-content word
46 chaklā chaklā square Matched Content word
47 chalāvo Discard Non-content word
48 chalegā Discard Non-content word
49 chalo Discard Non-content word
50 chanchal chanchal active, alert, agile Matched Content word
51 chāndruṇā chāndruṇā bright like moon, moon light Matched Content word
52 chār (4) Discard Non-content word
53 cheti Discard Non-content word
54 chetjo chetjo be careful, take care Matched Content word
55 chhabilā Discard Non-content word
56 chhāṇ Discard Non-content word
57 chhel Discard Non-content word
58 chhellā chhellā last Matched Content word
59 chhoḍe Discard Non-content word
60 chhoḍi Discard Non-content word
61 chin māṭidha Discard Non-content word
62 choke Discard Non-content word
63 chugsi chugsī will graze Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
64 chukā Discard Non-content word
65 dafe dafe eye of a needle Matched Content word
66 dān dān charity, blessings, grace Matched Content word
67 ḍar Discard Non-content word
68 darshan darshan didar Matched Content word
69 dasond Discard Non-content word
70 dāve Discard Non-content word
71 dāyam Discard Non-content word
72 dehi dehī body Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
73 dekhiyā Discard Non-content word
74 dekho Discard Non-content word
75 detā Discard Non-content word
76 dhādho dhādh Discard Non-content word
77 ḍhākiyo ḍhakiyo having covered, clothed Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
78 dhandhukār dhandhukār void, nothingness, darkness Matched Content word
79 dharam dharam religion, faith, virtue Matched Content word
80 dharde Discard Non-content word
81 dharnā Discard Non-content word
82 dharti Discard Non-content word
83 dhiyāve dhiyāve follow, obey Matched Content word
84 ḍhoi ḍhoi ḍhoi ḍhoi accept, follow, obey Matched Content word
85 dhūṇi dhūṇī flaying Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
86 dhutārā dhutārā fraud, deceiver Matched Content word
87 dhyān Discard Non-content word
88 dikhlāvo Discard Non-content word
89 dil Discard Non-content word
90 dil daryā Discard Non-content word
91 din Discard Non-content word
92 dīvān divān organizer, maintainer Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
93 dīvānā Discard Non-content word
94 dīvānī Discard Non-content word
95 dostī Discard Non-content word
96 dozakh dozakh hell Matched Content word
97 duniyā Discard Non-content word
98 ek Discard Non-content word
99 eklā Discard Non-content word
100 eraṇ eraṇ anvil Matched Content word
101 farmāyā Discard Non-content word
102 gale Discard Non-content word
103 gāli gāli talk; matter, reality Matched Content word
104 gāli gālī carpet Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
105 gauvā Discard Non-content word
106 ghāfal Discard Non-content word
107 ghaṇ ghaṇ hammer Matched Content word
108 ghās Discard Non-content word
109 ghāzi Discard Non-content word
110 girabh girabh pride, vanity Matched Content word
111 girabh gīrabh grab, catch; pride, vanity Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
112 guneh Discard Non-content word
113 gur Discard Non-content word
114 guru Discard Non-content word
115 haiḍe haiḍe in the heart Matched Content word
116 halatra halatra this world Matched Content word
117 hamārā Discard Non-content word
118 har Discard Non-content word
119 harakh Discard Non-content word
120 hārshe Discard Non-content word
121 has has Discard Non-content word
122 hasti hasti elephant Matched Content word
123 hāṭ Discard Non-content word
124 havāle Discard Non-content word
125 hoi hoi hoi hoi will happen Matched Content word
126 hole hole hole hole light weighted, smoothly Matched Content word
127 ilam Discard Non-content word
128 ishq Discard Non-content word
129 jal Discard Non-content word
130 jamesi jamesī will grow Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
131 jāmin jāmin surety Matched Content word
132 jāp Discard Non-content word
133 japo japo remember Matched Content word
134 jaṭan jaṭan clay, dust Matched Content word
135 jinudhe jinūdhe whom Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
136 jīv jīv soul Matched Content word
137 jīvan jīvan life Matched Content word
138 jīvṇā jīvṇā live, remain alive Matched Content word
139 jiyā Discard Non-content word
140 joban joban youth, youthfulness Matched Content word
141 jolī Discard Non-content word
142 jug jug world, universe; life Matched Content word
143 jūṭh Discard Non-content word
144 juvānī Discard Non-content word
145 kahāve Discard Non-content word
146 kaljug kaljug final era, kali yuga, this era Matched Content word
147 kamāi Discard Non-content word
148 kamāve Discard Non-content word
149 kamāyā Discard Non-content word
150 kāmil Discard Non-content word
151 kāṇ kāṇ care, concern Matched Content word
152 kāraṇ kāraṇ reason, purpose, for Matched Content word
153 kesri siṅh kesrī sīṅh lion Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
154 khabar Discard Non-content word
155 khādhā Discard Non-content word
156 khaḍiyā khaḍiyā stood, joined Matched Content word
157 khāk Discard Non-content word
158 khāl Discard Non-content word
159 khālaq Discard Non-content word
160 khāvaṇ Discard Non-content word
161 kholo Discard Non-content word
162 khove Discard Non-content word
163 khoyo Discard Non-content word
164 khudā Discard Non-content word
165 kiḍe Discard Non-content word
166 kirtār kirtār lord, creator Matched Content word
167 kīte Discard Non-content word
168 koi Discard Non-content word
169 kol kol near Matched Content word
170 koṭhi Discard Non-content word
171 kuchh Discard Non-content word
172 kuḍ kūḍ wrong, false, bad, lie Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
173 kukāṅ Discard Non-content word
174 kuṭe Discard Non-content word
175 lāgi lagi till, for Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
176 lakhshe Discard Non-content word
177 lange Discard Non-content word
178 langṇā Discard Non-content word
179 langsho Discard Non-content word
180 langsi langsī will pass Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
181 lekhā lekhā account Matched Content word
182 loho Discard Non-content word
183 loṇe loṇe live, earn Matched Content word
184 mahāras mahāras full of wisdom Matched Content word
185 mahobat Discard Non-content word
186 māi Discard Non-content word
187 man man heart Matched Content word
188 māngshe Discard Non-content word
189 mangsi Discard Non-content word
190 manhaṭhi Discard Non-content word
191 māṅs Discard Non-content word
192 marṇā Discard Non-content word
193 mat Discard Non-content word
194 matvālā matvālā intoxicating, fond of Matched Content word
195 māvṇā māvṇā to contain Matched Content word
196 māyā māyā love of this world, illusion, wealth, greed of this world Matched Content word
197 māyā mayā mercy, kindness Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
198 mejal Discard Non-content word
199 mili Discard Non-content word
200 milsi Discard Non-content word
201 moman Discard Non-content word
202 muhammad Discard Non-content word
203 mukh Discard Non-content word
204 mukhḍā mukhḍā face, vision Matched Content word
205 muḷ mūl main, central Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
206 muḷ muḷ capital Matched Content word
207 muḷ mūḷ base, foundation Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
208 muḷ mul capital Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
209 mulastān mulastān multan Matched Content word
210 mullā Discard Non-content word
211 murshid Discard Non-content word
212 nabī Discard Non-content word
213 nadiyūn Discard Non-content word
214 nāgo nāgo naked Matched Content word
215 nahāte Discard Non-content word
216 nahāvṇā Discard Non-content word
217 nahāvo Discard Non-content word
218 nāl nāl with Matched Content word
219 nām Discard Non-content word
220 nami Discard Non-content word
221 nāv nāv boat Matched Content word
222 nen Discard Non-content word
223 nibhegi nibhegī will be loyal, will accompany Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
224 nibhsi nibhsī accompany, remain with Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
225 nich nīch low Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
226 nīr nīr water Matched Content word
227 nirvāṇ nirvāṇ surely, certainly; conviction; spiritual happiness; salvation Matched Content word
228 nish din Discard Non-content word
229 nit nit everyday, regularly, always Matched Content word
230 ochinto ochinto suddenly Matched Content word
231 paḍdā Discard Non-content word
232 pag pag feet, step Matched Content word
233 pahorā pahorā appearance, manifestation Matched Content word
234 paighambar Discard Non-content word
235 pal Discard Non-content word
236 palatra palatra the next world, the hereafter Matched Content word
237 pāḷiyā pāḷiyā bridge Matched Content word
238 pāḷo pāḷo follow, act accordingly, fulfill Matched Content word
239 pāṇi Discard Non-content word
240 panjtan Discard Non-content word
241 panth panth path, way Matched Content word
242 pāp pāp sin Matched Content word
243 pār pār dam, embankment Matched Content word
244 parbodh Discard Non-content word
245 parmāṇ parmāṇ proper, adequate Matched Content word
246 pasār pasār spread Matched Content word
247 pataṇ pataṇ ferry Matched Content word
248 patijaṇā patijaṇā believe, accept Matched Content word
249 pāvṇā pāvṇā put, set Matched Content word
250 pāyā Discard Non-content word
251 per Discard Non-content word
252 phal phal reward, result, fruit Matched Content word
253 pichhāṇ Discard Non-content word
254 pīr Discard Non-content word
255 pitā Discard Non-content word
256 piv Discard Non-content word
257 piyā piyā lying, beloved Matched Content word
258 piyo Discard Non-content word
259 pohtā (potā) Discard Non-content word
260 prāṇi prāṇī man, living being Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
261 puchhi Discard Non-content word
262 puj Discard Non-content word
263 pukārā pukārā angel Matched Content word
264 pukāreku Discard Non-content word
265 puro puro complete Matched Content word
266 pyārā Discard Non-content word
267 pyāsā Discard Non-content word
268 qāyam Discard Non-content word
269 qāzi Discard Non-content word
270 qol Discard Non-content word
271 qurān Discard Non-content word
272 rab Discard Non-content word
273 rāh Discard Non-content word
274 raheṇā raheṇā to stay, to remain Matched Content word
275 rāho rāh rāho rāh on straight path Matched Content word
276 rājedhā Discard Non-content word
277 ral ral together Matched Content word
278 raliyā raliyā happiness Matched Content word
279 ramz ramz secret, mystery, blandishment Matched Content word
280 rasūl Discard Non-content word
281 rīs rīs anger, annoyance Matched Content word
282 roi roi Discard Non-content word
283 rūh Discard Non-content word
284 rulesi rulesī will mix Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
285 sab Discard Non-content word
286 sabhāgā sabhāgā fortunate one, name of a disciple of pir shams (ra) Matched Content word
287 sachā Discard Non-content word
288 sache Discard Non-content word
289 sāchi Discard Non-content word
290 sacho Discard Non-content word
291 sāchu Discard Non-content word
292 sādh Discard Non-content word
293 sadhāi Discard Non-content word
294 sādhāṇ sādhāṇ anvil Matched Content word
295 sadhāyā sadhāyā made, prepared Matched Content word
296 sadhḍā Discard Non-content word
297 sādhu sādhū saint, righteous Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
298 saghḍā Discard Non-content word
299 sāhiṅ Discard Non-content word
300 sāmi sāmī lord, mawla Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
301 samjāvṇā Discard Non-content word
302 sandh sandh way out; solution; sign; time Matched Content word
303 sang sang with, together Matched Content word
304 sanmukh sanmukh fore-front, front, face to face Matched Content word
305 sareti Discard Non-content word
306 sarup sarūp reality, real self, real face; beautiful Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
307 sat sat reality, truth Matched Content word
308 sat dharam sat dharam true religion Matched Content word
309 sāth sāth with Matched Content word
310 satpanth Discard Non-content word
311 savā Discard Non-content word
312 shabd shabd word Matched Content word
313 shafāyat shafāyat intercession for the forgiveness of the sins a privilege for the prophet (sas) and his progeny Matched Content word
314 shudh shūdh pure, clean Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
315 siṅh Discard Non-content word
316 sir Discard Non-content word
317 sirjaṇhār sirjaṇhār creator Matched Content word
318 so varas Discard Non-content word
319 sove sove sleep Matched Content word
320 sui Discard Non-content word
321 suje Discard Non-content word
322 sukrit sukrit good deeds Matched Content word
323 sundar Discard Non-content word
324 suno Discard Non-content word
325 surat Discard Non-content word
326 ṭāḷo ṭāḷo shun, remove Matched Content word
327 tan tan body Matched Content word
328 tāq Discard Non-content word
329 tari gayā tari gayā swam across Matched Content word
330 tatiyā Discard Non-content word
331 thambhiyā Discard Non-content word
332 ṭherāi ṭherāi correct, prepared Matched Content word
333 ṭhor ṭhor stability Matched Content word
334 tirath tīrath hindu pilgrimage, the confluence of three sacred rivers, ie ganges, yamuna and sarasvati Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
335 tolṇā tolṇā test, try, weigh Matched Content word
336 tulhāriyā Discard Non-content word
337 ujaḍ ujaḍ deserted place, unpopulated Matched Content word
338 uṅchthi Discard Non-content word
339 upāyā upāyā created, produced Matched Content word
340 vachan vachan saying, word, advice, farman, promise, teaching Matched Content word
341 vaj(vajar) Discard Non-content word
342 vaṇ vaṇ vaṇ vaṇ enter! Matched Content word
343 vaṇaj vaṇaj business, trade Matched Content word
344 vāṇiyā vāṇiyā tradesman, shopkeeper Matched Content word
345 varas Discard Non-content word
346 vāro vāro abandon, leave, throw away, shun, keep away Matched Content word
347 ved Discard Non-content word
348 vendhāṇā Discard Non-content word
349 vepār Discard Non-content word
350 vepāri Discard Non-content word
351 vich vich in, in the middle of Matched Content word
352 vichār vichār thought, thinking Matched Content word
353 vidhiyā vidhīya to say good bye, farewell Unmatched Variant romanization conventions
354 visarie Discard Non-content word

Content Words Pre-Enhancement Summary

Content words identified:  119 34%
Number of words Unmatched:  228 66%
Number of words Mismatched:  0 0%
Total number of words:  347 100%

Content Words Post-Enhancement Summary

Content words identified:  143 41%
Number of words Unmatched:  204 59%
Number of words Mismatched:  7 2%
Total number of words:  354 102%