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  EntryID Glossary Meaning Token 1 WordNet ID Synset Gloss
1 10004 āchār act, way act act.n.01 ['act', 'enactment'] a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
2 10013 aen same; eye same; eye
3 10017 agan fire fire fire.n.01 ['fire'] the event of something burning (often destructive)
4 10024 ajā goat goat goat.n.01 ['goat', 'caprine_animal'] any of numerous agile ruminants related to sheep but having a beard and straight horns
5 10026 ākhe says, requests says say.n.01 ['say'] the chance to speak
6 10030 albelā beautiful, young beautiful beautiful.a.01 ['beautiful'] delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration
7 10040 andhār darkness darkness dark.n.01 ['dark', 'darkness'] absence of light or illumination
8 10057 āp murādā follower of one's own desires follower of one's own desires
9 10060 apār unlimited unlimited unlimited.a.01 ['unlimited', 'limitless'] having no limits in range or scope; - Philip Rahv
10 10086 bānā brother, servant, man brother brother.n.01 ['brother', 'blood_brother'] a male with the same parents as someone else
11 10105 bhalī good, best good good.n.01 ['good'] benefit
12 10109 bhamarḍo bumblebee bumblebee bumblebee.n.01 ['bumblebee', 'humblebee'] robust hairy social bee of temperate regions
13 10115 bharam illusion, suspicion, delusion illusion illusion.n.01 ['illusion', 'semblance'] an erroneous mental representation
14 10117 bhav life, ocean of life life life.n.01 ['life'] a characteristic state or mode of living
15 10118 bhāv thought, feeling, love, fondness thought idea.n.01 ['idea', 'thought'] the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about
16 10128 bhut statue, body statue statue.n.01 ['statue'] a sculpture representing a human or animal
17 10140 chaklā square square square.n.01 ['square', 'foursquare'] (geometry) a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon
18 10146 chanchal active, alert, agile active active_agent.n.01 ['active_agent', 'active'] chemical agent capable of activity
19 10150 chāndruṇā bright like moon, moon light bright like moon
20 10161 chetjo be careful, take care be careful
21 10168 chhellā last last stopping_point.n.01 ['stopping_point', 'finale', 'finis', 'finish', 'last', 'conclusion', 'close'] the temporal end; the concluding time
22 10178 chugsī will graze will graze
23 10183 dafe eye of a needle eye of a needle
24 10185 dān charity, blessings, grace charity charity.n.01 ['charity'] a foundation created to promote the public good (not for assistance to any particular individuals)
25 10188 darshan didar didar
26 10194 dehī body body body.n.01 ['body', 'organic_structure', 'physical_structure'] the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
27 10199 ḍhakiyo having covered, clothed having covered
28 10202 dhandhukār void, nothingness, darkness void nothingness.n.01 ['nothingness', 'void', 'nullity', 'nihility'] the state of nonexistence
29 10206 dharam religion, faith, virtue religion religion.n.01 ['religion', 'faith', 'religious_belief'] a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny
30 10214 dhiyāve follow, obey follow follow.v.01 ['follow'] to travel behind, go after, come after
31 10215 ḍhoi ḍhoi accept, follow, obey accept accept.v.01 ['accept'] consider or hold as true
32 10219 dhūṇī flaying flaying flay.v.01 ['flay'] strip the skin off
33 10221 dhutārā fraud, deceiver fraud fraud.n.01 ['fraud'] intentional deception resulting in injury to another person
34 10229 divān organizer, maintainer organizer organizer.n.01 ['organizer', 'organiser', 'arranger'] a person who brings order and organization to an enterprise
35 10233 dozakh hell hell hell.n.01 ['hell', 'hell_on_earth', 'hellhole', 'snake_pit', 'the_pits', 'inferno'] any place of pain and turmoil
36 10243 eraṇ anvil anvil anvil.n.01 ['anvil'] a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering
37 10251 gāli talk; matter, reality talk; matter
38 10252 gālī carpet carpet rug.n.01 ['rug', 'carpet', 'carpeting'] floor covering consisting of a piece of thick heavy fabric (usually with nap or pile)
39 10261 ghaṇ hammer hammer hammer.n.01 ['hammer', 'cock'] the part of a gunlock that strikes the percussion cap when the trigger is pulled
40 10274 gīrabh grab, catch; pride, vanity grab grab.n.01 ['grab'] a mechanical device for gripping an object
41 10273 girabh pride, vanity pride pride.n.01 ['pride', 'pridefulness'] a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
42 10289 haiḍe in the heart in the heart
43 10290 halatra this world this world
44 10300 hasti elephant elephant elephant.n.01 ['elephant'] five-toed pachyderm
45 10316 hoi hoi will happen will happen
46 10317 hole hole light weighted, smoothly light weighted
47 10331 jamesī will grow will grow
48 10332 jāmin surety surety surety.n.01 ['surety'] something clearly established
49 10342 japo remember remember remember.v.01 ['remember', 'retrieve', 'recall', 'call_back', 'call_up', 'recollect', 'think'] recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection
50 10346 jaṭan clay, dust clay clay.n.01 ['clay'] a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired
51 10358 jinūdhe whom whom
52 10361 jīv soul soul soul.n.01 ['soul', 'psyche'] the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an individual life
53 10362 jīvan life life life.n.01 ['life'] a characteristic state or mode of living
54 10367 jīvṇā live, remain alive live populate.v.01 ['populate', 'dwell', 'live', 'inhabit'] inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of
55 10369 joban youth, youthfulness youth young_person.n.01 ['young_person', 'youth', 'younker', 'spring_chicken'] a young person (especially a young man or boy)
56 10373 jug world, universe; life world universe.n.01 ['universe', 'existence', 'creation', 'world', 'cosmos', 'macrocosm'] everything that exists anywhere
57 10383 kaljug final era, kali yuga, this era final era
58 10386 kāṇ care, concern care care.n.01 ['care', 'attention', 'aid', 'tending'] the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something
59 10396 kāraṇ reason, purpose, for reason reason.n.01 ['reason', 'ground'] a rational motive for a belief or action
60 10420 kesrī sīṅh lion lion lion.n.01 ['lion', 'king_of_beasts', 'Panthera_leo'] large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male
61 10425 khaḍiyā stood, joined stood stand.v.01 ['stand', 'stand_up'] be standing; be upright
62 10440 kirtār lord, creator lord godhead.n.01 ['Godhead', 'Lord', 'Creator', 'Maker', 'Divine', 'God_Almighty', 'Almighty', 'Jehovah'] terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
63 10446 kol near near approach.v.01 ['approach', 'near', 'come_on', 'go_up', 'draw_near', 'draw_close', 'come_near'] move towards
64 10449 kūḍ wrong, false, bad, lie wrong wrong.n.01 ['wrong', 'wrongfulness'] that which is contrary to the principles of justice or law
65 10462 lagi till, for till till.n.01 ['till', 'boulder_clay'] unstratified soil deposited by a glacier; consists of sand and clay and gravel and boulders mixed together
66 10466 langsī will pass will pass
67 10468 lekhā account account history.n.02 ['history', 'account', 'chronicle', 'story'] a record or narrative description of past events
68 10482 loṇe live, earn live populate.v.01 ['populate', 'dwell', 'live', 'inhabit'] inhabit or live in; be an inhabitant of
69 10496 mahāras full of wisdom full of wisdom
70 10502 man heart heart heart.n.01 ['heart', 'bosom'] the locus of feelings and intuitions
71 10520 matvālā intoxicating, fond of intoxicating elate.v.01 ['elate', 'lift_up', 'uplift', 'pick_up', 'intoxicate'] fill with high spirits; fill with optimism
72 10521 māvṇā to contain to contain
73 10523 māyā love of this world, illusion, wealth, greed of this world love of this world
74 10522 mayā mercy, kindness mercy clemency.n.02 ['clemency', 'mercifulness', 'mercy'] leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice
75 10545 mukhḍā face, vision face face.n.01 ['face', 'human_face'] the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear
76 10548 mūḷ base, foundation base base.n.01 ['base', 'base_of_operations'] installation from which a military force initiates operations
77 10547 muḷ capital capital capital.n.01 ['capital', 'working_capital'] assets available for use in the production of further assets
78 10549 mūl main, central main main.n.01 ['main', 'briny'] any very large body of (salt) water
79 10546 mul capital capital capital.n.01 ['capital', 'working_capital'] assets available for use in the production of further assets
80 10550 mulastān multan multan
81 10561 nāgo naked naked bare.s.01 ['bare', 'au_naturel', 'naked', 'nude'] completely unclothed
82 10566 nāl with with
83 10573 nāv boat boat boat.n.01 ['boat'] a small vessel for travel on water
84 10583 nibhegī will be loyal, will accompany will be loyal
85 10584 nibhsī accompany, remain with accompany attach_to.v.01 ['attach_to', 'accompany', 'come_with', 'go_with'] be present or associated with an event or entity
86 10585 nīch low low low.n.01 ['low', 'depression'] an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation
87 10588 nīr water water water.n.01 ['water', 'H2O'] binary compound that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless odorless tasteless liquid; freezes into ice below 0 degrees centigrade and boils above 100 degrees centigrade; widely used as a solvent
88 10592 nirvāṇ surely, certainly; conviction; spiritual happiness; salvation surely surely.r.01 ['surely', 'certainly', 'sure', 'for_sure', 'for_certain', 'sure_enough', 'sure_as_shooting'] definitely or positively (`sure' is sometimes used informally for `surely')
89 10596 nit everyday, regularly, always everyday everyday.s.01 ['everyday', 'mundane', 'quotidian', 'routine', 'unremarkable', 'workaday'] found in the ordinary course of events; ; ; - Anita Diamant
90 10602 ochinto suddenly suddenly suddenly.r.01 ['suddenly', 'all_of_a_sudden', 'of_a_sudden'] happening unexpectedly
91 10610 pag feet, step feet foot.n.01 ['foot', 'human_foot', 'pes'] the part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint
92 10613 pahorā appearance, manifestation appearance appearance.n.01 ['appearance', 'visual_aspect'] outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
93 10614 palatra the next world, the hereafter the next world
94 10616 pāḷiyā bridge bridge bridge.n.01 ['bridge', 'span'] a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc.
95 10617 pāḷo follow, act accordingly, fulfill follow follow.v.01 ['follow'] to travel behind, go after, come after
96 10625 panth path, way path way.n.05 ['way', 'path', 'way_of_life'] a course of conduct
97 10627 pāp sin sin sin.n.01 ['sin', 'sinfulness', 'wickedness'] estrangement from god
98 10628 pār dam, embankment dam dam.n.01 ['dam', 'dike', 'dyke'] a barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea
99 10637 parmāṇ proper, adequate proper proper.a.01 ['proper'] marked by suitability or rightness or appropriateness
100 10645 pasār spread spread spread.n.01 ['spread', 'spreading'] process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space
101 10647 pataṇ ferry ferry ferry.n.01 ['ferry', 'ferryboat'] a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule
102 10649 patijaṇā believe, accept believe believe.v.01 ['believe'] accept as true; take to be true
103 10653 pāvṇā put, set put put_option.n.02 ['put_option', 'put'] the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date
104 10656 phal reward, result, fruit reward wages.n.01 ['wages', 'reward', 'payoff'] a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing
105 10665 piyā lying, beloved lying lying.n.01 ['lying', 'prevarication', 'fabrication'] the deliberate act of deviating from the truth
106 10674 prāṇī man, living being man man.n.01 ['man', 'adult_male'] an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman)
107 10682 pukārā angel angel angel.n.01 ['angel'] spiritual being attendant upon God
108 10687 puro complete complete complete.v.01 ['complete', 'finish'] come or bring to a finish or an end
109 10697 raheṇā to stay, to remain to stay
110 10699 rāho rāh on straight path on straight path
111 10703 ral together together together.s.01 ['together'] mentally and emotionally stable
112 10704 raliyā happiness happiness happiness.n.01 ['happiness', 'felicity'] state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy
113 10707 ramz secret, mystery, blandishment secret secret.n.01 ['secret'] something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on)
114 10721 rīs anger, annoyance anger anger.n.01 ['anger', 'choler', 'ire'] a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievance
115 10731 rulesī will mix will mix
116 10734 sabhāgā fortunate one, name of a disciple of pir shams (ra) fortunate one
117 10736 sādhāṇ anvil anvil anvil.n.01 ['anvil'] a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering
118 10737 sadhāyā made, prepared made make.v.01 ['make', 'do'] engage in
119 10739 sādhū saint, righteous saint saint.n.01 ['saint'] a person who has died and has been declared a saint by canonization
120 10756 sāmī lord, mawla lord godhead.n.01 ['Godhead', 'Lord', 'Creator', 'Maker', 'Divine', 'God_Almighty', 'Almighty', 'Jehovah'] terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
121 10760 sandh way out; solution; sign; time way out; solution; sign; time
122 10762 sang with, together with
123 10767 sanmukh fore-front, front, face to face fore-front
124 10781 sarūp reality, real self, real face; beautiful reality world.n.03 ['world', 'reality'] all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you
125 10784 sat reality, truth reality world.n.03 ['world', 'reality'] all of your experiences that determine how things appear to you
126 10785 sat dharam true religion true religion
127 10789 sāth with with
128 10801 shabd word word word.n.01 ['word'] a unit of language that native speakers can identify
129 10802 shafāyat intercession for the forgiveness of the sins a privilege for the prophet (sas) and his progeny intercession for the forgiveness of the sins a privilege for the prophet (sas) and his progeny
130 10808 shūdh pure, clean pure pure.a.01 ['pure'] free of extraneous elements of any kind
131 10815 sirjaṇhār creator creator godhead.n.01 ['Godhead', 'Lord', 'Creator', 'Maker', 'Divine', 'God_Almighty', 'Almighty', 'Jehovah'] terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
132 10827 sove sleep sleep sleep.n.01 ['sleep', 'slumber'] a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended
133 10840 sukrit good deeds good deeds
134 10857 ṭāḷo shun, remove shun shun.v.01 ['shun', 'eschew'] avoid and stay away from deliberately; stay clear of
135 10861 tan body body body.n.01 ['body', 'organic_structure', 'physical_structure'] the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
136 10867 tari gayā swam across swam across
137 10885 ṭherāi correct, prepared correct correct.v.01 ['correct', 'rectify', 'right'] make right or correct
138 10888 ṭhor stability stability stability.n.01 ['stability', 'stableness'] the quality or attribute of being firm and steadfast
139 10894 tīrath hindu pilgrimage, the confluence of three sacred rivers, ie ganges, yamuna and sarasvati hindu pilgrimage
140 10904 tolṇā test, try, weigh test trial.n.02 ['trial', 'trial_run', 'test', 'tryout'] trying something to find out about it
141 10918 ujaḍ deserted place, unpopulated deserted place
142 10924 upāyā created, produced created make.v.03 ['make', 'create'] make or cause to be or to become
143 10928 vachan saying, word, advice, farman, promise, teaching saying saying.n.01 ['saying', 'expression', 'locution'] a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations
144 10955 vaṇ vaṇ enter! enter!
145 10956 vaṇaj business, trade business business.n.01 ['business', 'concern', 'business_concern', 'business_organization', 'business_organisation'] a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it
146 10959 vāṇiyā tradesman, shopkeeper tradesman shopkeeper.n.01 ['shopkeeper', 'tradesman', 'storekeeper', 'market_keeper'] a merchant who owns or manages a shop
147 10966 vāro abandon, leave, throw away, shun, keep away abandon abandon.n.01 ['abandon', 'wantonness', 'unconstraint'] the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry
148 10982 vich in, in the middle of in inch.n.01 ['inch', 'in'] a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
149 10983 vichār thought, thinking thought idea.n.01 ['idea', 'thought'] the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about
150 10988 vidhīya to say good bye, farewell to say good bye


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