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Ginan Studies
Kassam, Tazim
(105 ginans) |
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ab terī mahobat lāgī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
achhaḍā khojo āṅhī achhaḍā khojo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ajab jamānā suṇo moman bhāijī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ajab sehar mede khālak sirjīyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ame nā āviye gām mā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
aṅtar jāmī aṅtar sāmī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ād gur shamas munivar jāṇ (garbi - 01) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
āelo āelo pīral āelo (emḍaṅbāijo ginān) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
āj ānaṅd pāmeā man ke (garbi - 02) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
baṅgālā desmā āviyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
bhagat pāse āviyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
bhulo bhulo te bhulo bhamarḍore lol (garbi - 09) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
bhulā ma bhule bhamjore hiṅdhuo (garbi - 18) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
chaṅdrabhāṇ surbhāṇ bey bandhvā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
cheto cheto te chaṅchal chetīārelol (garbi - 12) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
chār ghaḍīkā chār jugaj kiā (vāek nāno nī vel) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
dasbhaṅdhī yārā sirbhaṅdhī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
dhan dhan sāmī rājā tuṅ sirijaṇhār - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
dul dul ghoḍe sacho sāmī rājo chaḍase moman ki dil puri - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
dunīyā prīt na kījīe (1) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
dunīyā prīt na kījīe (2) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
e dharam ne kāraṇe ane - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ek dhaṅdhukār phirī dhujā hovegā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ek sapanuṅ aṅtar maeṅ suṇeo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ek shabad suṇo mere bhāī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ek tīrath vedhaṇā pīr shams gazī sadhaṇā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
evā avatāre avatār avatariyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
evī garbī saṁpūraṇ sār (garbi - 28) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
farmān karīne nar boleā tame sāṁbhaḍo (janājo pir shams jo) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gaṭ gurujī gaṭ gurujī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gur kahre gāflo sāṁbhaṛore lol (garbi - 15) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gur vachane chaliyā te potā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gur vadeā dasmī rāt (garbi - 22) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gur āvatā sarve rāt (garbi - 04) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gur āveā bījī rāt (garbi - 03) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gur āveā sātmī rāt (garbi - 13) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gure bhuleāne mārag vatāveāre lol (garbi - 26) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gure kādhīchhe pāvaṛ hāthe (garbi - 27) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gurjī kahechhe mīṭhī vāṇ (garbi - 23) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
gurnar thī bhulā taṅsu vād nā kijejī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
hak tuṅ pāk tuṅ bādshāh - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
hamadīl khālak allāh sohī vasejī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
hathī hathī parabat toladhe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
jiyāre āvichhe chhelī rātake (garbi - 25) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
jugat jol santokh pātr karo [abadhu] (abadhu ginan) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
jāke pachham dise ne khaṅḍh erāk māṅe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
jāṇone buje āṅhī pātr pīchhāṇo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
jīv tuṅ jāvāde - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
jīyān ghat thāpnā dharam taṇī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
jīāe yārā he karīo se āp murādā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ke tame amīras pījo dhin ne rāt (garbi - 05) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
kesarī siṅh svaroop bhulāyo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ketare chalatre shāha dev murār (das avatār nāno - pir shams [ginān]) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
kirīyā kāraṇ aonis jāgo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
kāyam dāyam tuṅ moro sāmī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
lāo to āṅhī loḍīo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
miṭhaḍuṅ āṅhī bolo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
māhe varse te aṁbharat nur (garbi - 06) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
mālā līje man mā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
nar kāsamnā farmānthā gur shamas pīr (garbi - 17) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
navaroj nā dhin sohāmṇā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
nītonīt ghaṭ pujā kījīye - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
pahelī prīt sāhebjī suṅ kījīe (chaud ratan) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
prem pātaṇ rājā manshudh (prem pātaṇ nāno) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
prem pātaṇ rājā manshudh (prem pātaṇ moṭo) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
pīr nāchīne kaṅthe ginānre mā (garbi - 20) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
pīr shams kahe suno bhāi momano ane kahuṅ ād unād nī vāṇī (vāek nāno) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
pīr shams sadhāvīā ane vaṭe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sabhāgā har puj nit nīravāṇ paṅjetan - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sabhāgā is dhunīāṅdhe vich kiyā gin āve - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sat mārg sat vatīā (garbi - 21) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sat mārg shamas pīr (garbi - 10) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sate pāval pīvo dhin ne rāt (garbi - 11) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
satgur bheṭeā kem jāṇīe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
satgur shamas em boliyā āj chhe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
satgur shamas em kahere gāfalo (garbi - 14) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
satgur shams chāleā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
satgur shams vāchā ochariyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
satne mārage chālīe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
satpaṅth voharī vīrā alagā na rahīye - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
seheje piroḍhā sehesatr varaṇā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
shāh vīsav kuṅvāri paraṇse - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
shāhānī sarevāe tame jāgajo - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
suno suno bhāīve momano - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
suno suno momano sunī - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
surbhāṇne sāhebhe moklīā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
surjā rāṇī em uchare (popaṭ ne surjā rāṇī ni vaat) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sāchā merā khālak - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sāheb dheākuṅ dhe gusāiāṅ moro tuṅbhīdhe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
sāmī tamārī vāḍī māṅhe - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tame japajo dhin ne rāt ke (garbi - 08) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tame ramjo dīn ne rāt (garbi - 07) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tame sufal falo morā bhāi - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tamne rājā bolāvīā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tith navamī āveā gurjī āp (garbi - 19) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tith āṭhamī āveā gāmnā lok (garbi - 16) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tāre puṭhīaḍe chhe pāṅch - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tāre vāgā te ginānana vājāre mā (garbi - 24) - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tīyāṅ gure ginān kareā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
tīyāṅthī ame āviyā uṅchmā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
uṅchathī āyo baṅde nīch kyuṅ dhīāve - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
vaṛtā brāhāmaṅ boliyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ved māṅhe em lakhiyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
ved vachan gur taṇā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams
vimras surbāṇ boliyā - Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: Hymns of the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams