KM01: Kamaluddin Z., & Muhammad, K. (1990). Concordance of the Ginans - Volume 1: Ginans of Pir Shams. (n.p.).
KM02: Kamaluddin Z., & Muhammad, K. (1992). Concordance of the Ginans - Volume 2: Ginans of Pir Sadardin. (n.p.).
KM03: Kamaluddin Z., & Muhammad, K. (1993). Concordance of the Ginans - Volume 3: Ginans of Pir Hasan Kabirdin and other Pirs. (n.p.).
KM04: Kamaluddin Z., & Muhammad, K. (1994). Concordance of the Ginans - Volume 4: Ginans of Sayyid Imam Shah and other Sayyids. (n.p.).