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Ginan: sabhāgā is dhunīāṅdhe vich kiyā gin āve


  Reciter: Nasir Hirani, England
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1. e sabhāgā is duniyā de vich kyā gin āve
    kyā gin vaesī nāl  sabhāgā .

2. e sabhāgā  nāgo tū āyo nāgo tū vaesī
    kar gin vaṇaj vepār sabhāgā .

3. e sabhāgā  nāgo tū āyo nāgo tū vaesī
    kuchh na nibhsī  nāl  sabhāgā .

4. e sabhāgā per pasār  piyā  vich choke
    kol na āve dhar de sabhāgā .

5. e sabhāgā  ral bhirāve vidhīya kītī
    hove havāle rab de sabhāgā .

6. e sabhāgā  dehī terī khāk rulesī
    kīḍe khāvaṇ mās sabhāgā .

7. e sabhāgā  dehī terī upar ghās jamesī
    gāṅvā chugsī ghās sabhāgā .

8. e sabhāgā jinudhe kāraṇ tū kūḍ kamāyā
    se nahīṅ nibhsī  nāl  sabhāgā

9. e sabhāgā tatiyāṅ thambiyāṅ tis gale lagsī
    kūṅkāṅ kare ḍāḍo ḍāḍ sabhāgā

10. e sabhāgā  sāmī rājo jab lekhā mangsī
    jo kīte so bharde sabhāgā

11. e sabhāgā e ginān mahāras pīr shams boliyā
    sāchā langsī  pār  sabhāgā


1. O Sabhaga! When you came to this world what did you bring with you and when you will leave what will you take with you?

2. O Sabhaga! You have come empty handed and will return empty handed. Do some business (of good deeds).

3. O Sabhaga! You have come empty handed and will return empty handed. Nothing of this world will accompany you.

4. O Sabhaga! When you will lie on the courtyard with your legs spread (for final wash before burial) nobody will come near you out of fear.

5. O Sabhaga! Your friends and relatives will come together (till the grave) to bid farewell to you (and say) now be in the hands of your Sustainer.

6. O Sabhaga! Your body will mix with the dust and the worms will eat your flesh.

7. O Sabhaga! Grass will grow on (the grave of) your body where cows will graze.

8. O Sabhaga! Those for whom you earned falsehood will not accompany you.

9. O Sabhaga! On the Day of Judgment you will be touched with the pillars heated with fire. You will scream and cry aloud.

10. O Sabhaga! When the Lord will take account, you will have to account for your deeds.

11. O Sabhaga! Pir Shams (r.a.) has said this Ginan which is full of wisdom. True (momins) will reach the shore.



chugsī: feed as in a meadow or pasture
dehī: the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)
jamesī: cause to grow or develop
jinūdhe: an unofficial association of people or groups
kāraṇ: a rational motive for a belief or action
kol: move towards
kūḍ: tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive
langsī: reach a destination, either real or abstract
lekhā: a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
mahāras: having or prompted by wisdom or discernment
nāgo: completely unclothed
nāl: go or travel along with
nibhsī: persist for a specified period of time
pār: the ultimate goal for which something is done
pasār: a coffin along with its stand
piyā: assume a reclining position
ral: assemble or get together
rulesī: to bring or combine together or with something else
sabhāgā: having unexpected good fortune
sāmī: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions
vaṇaj: a particular instance of buying or selling
vich: on the inside
vidhīya: an acknowledgment or expression of goodwill at parting

  • Alwaez Kamaluddin, Muhammad. (2011). 50 Ginans with English Translation and Glossary - Volume 1(Second edition).
  • Alwaez Kamaluddin, Muhammad. (1990). Concordance of the Ginans - Volume 1.

chugsī: feed as in a meadow or pasture


dehī: the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being)


jamesī: cause to grow or develop


jinūdhe: an unofficial association of people or groups


kāraṇ: a rational motive for a belief or action


kol: move towards


kūḍ: tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive


langsī: reach a destination, either real or abstract


lekhā: a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance


mahāras: having or prompted by wisdom or discernment


nāgo: completely unclothed


nāl: go or travel along with


nibhsī: persist for a specified period of time


pār: the ultimate goal for which something is done


pasār: a coffin along with its stand


piyā: assume a reclining position


ral: assemble or get together


rulesī: to bring or combine together or with something else


sabhāgā: having unexpected good fortune


sāmī: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions


vaṇaj: a particular instance of buying or selling


vich: on the inside


vidhīya: an acknowledgment or expression of goodwill at parting
